I write about education, social issues, and the evolving nature of society
We must bypass the hijacked systems which are taking control of education and ensure that, with federal guidelines, states guarantee every student an interdisciplinary comprehensive, fact-based education as the foundation for schooling in the Information and Interactive Age. To…
The Information Age And The Interactive Age Are Here Now.
Whatever our deepest fears conclude, the fact that the Information and Interactive Ages are here now, and that we must adapt to a new reality, is not debatable. Significant parts of our educational system no longer work. We must…
Do We Have Self-Directed Educators Who Can Deal With Self-Directed Learners?
Get ready. The management of educational institutions changes from one of conforming students and teachers so the learners are safe and the administration has fewer problems, to management plans that focus on supporting self-directed teachers and creating self-directed learners. Education…
Education Makes the American Dream Possible
The majority of Americans believe in a country where students can go to any public school in Alaska, Arizona, Florida, New York, Texas, Idaho, or… and receive a good interdisciplinary comprehensive education based on facts, content, and sound educational practices.…
The Community-Down Syndrome
I coined the phrase, “Community-Down Syndrome,” as I attempted to understand why teachers assigned to our broken and dysfunctional communities are being targeted, humiliated, and driven out of the profession at a greater rate than teachers assigned to more affluent…
The Development Of Our Species.
The information available on networks woven across people, places and time may be so far ahead of our social development as a species that it collapses systems we depend on for survival. We have widespread access to information that is…
Failure To Teach The Essential Skills…
Most ‘partial’ and so-called ‘virtual schools’ do not provide the essential foundations in at least ten disciplines that our children must have. Ideally, no state or group can deny American students the right to this information, but it is happening…
The failure of educators, school boards, and teachers associations to preserve comprehensive, interdisciplinary, fact-based education is a national disgrace. Their lack of opposition to moronic attempts to legislate educational cures such as No Child Left Behind, school choice, charter schools,…
Teachers are being forced to teach to limited, invalid tests meant to measure student, teacher, and school proficiency. If educators truly understand their responsibility to each learner, they know that tests used to place, punish, and placate are worthless. Every…
The 2008 near destruction of our economic system was brought on by deregulation and the greed of banks and Wall Street. The same evil forces are now privatizing (deregulating) America’s public education system. They are gaining access to the taxes…
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